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The Colour of These Days
... is the colour of Abadan. رنگ این روزها رنگ آبادان است و خاطرات نیمه محو و نیمه تحریف شده ایران
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How to create a QR code
How to Create a QR Code Step 1: Head to Step 2: Enter your URL. Step 3: Customize your QR code's frame, shape, and...
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Save the date
"I Am an Orange Dot", is a monologue written by Shahireh Sharif. It refers to a bird's-eye view of a body, in an orange life vest,...
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Thank you :)
In running the 12th Commemoration Day of Ferdowsi, Friends of Shahnameh relied on the help and support of many people. We are grateful to...
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Embracing and questioning our past
Warning: Some viewer might find some of the issues raised / exhibits uncomfortable and / or stressful. "In the Margins" co-curated by...
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Commemoration Day of Ferdowsi
Celebrating Ferdowsi and his Shahnameh, a literary masterpiece with universal human values written over a millennium ago that is still...
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Conservation in progress
From Portico 13th April 22 ++++++++++++++ Related Posts: From Portico 16th March From Portico 9th March 22 From Portico 23rd Feb 22 From...
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Happy Nowruz!
این اولین نوروزی خواهد بود که در سبوی سخن در خدمتتان هستم. بعد از دو سال سخت که همگی اسیر کرونا بودیم قرار است امسال سالی متفاوت باشد و...
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Happy 2022!
This time last year, I was still completing my Art Council DYPR application form. I still find it difficult to believe that my...
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The Walk: When the Birds Land
آمال، عروسک سه و نیم متری، نماد کودک نه ساله پناه جو از سوریه است که بعد از طی 8000 کیلومتراز سفری که از مرز سوریه و ترکیه شروع شد دیشب...
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Gallery of Lights
This year I worked with Journeys Festival 21 as a volunteer. A unique experience, I got to see some amazing artwork installation . My...
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بازگشت با مقدمه دکتر کویر چاپ شد
One of the aims of developing was to give visibility to my work. The PDF version of Bazgasht (Homecoming), third edition...
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Hot seat guest, Jenny Matthews
When went live, back in Aug, I promised to have one talk per month with inspirational people around me. Jenny Matthews is...
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Red Tapes, Green Lights
kneeling Bulls, The Louver, Paris The museum’s coffeeshop was busy but there were still a few empty tables around when a couple sat at a...
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جلسه خوانش بازگشت
Thanks to Doosti for supporting one of the sessions of 'coffee & book'. Thanks to everyone who attended the session and shared their...
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Look who is my guest!
October arrived and with it another opportunity to talk with an inspirational friend. Zari Gorji is hot seat's guest. ...
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Creation is sooo fun with friends
In one of the arts & crafts sessions organised by ROOTS, Salford, Sep 2021
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Hot Seat Guest
When went live, back in Aug, I promised to have one talk per month with inspirational people around me. Martin De Mello is...
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بازگشتِ بازگشت
I am proud to announce that Dr. Mahmood Kavir has accepted to write an intro for the second edition on my book, Bazgasht. I am correctly...
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Multi Layer Life
Does fish swimming on clouds know how lucky they are? آیا ماهیان قرمز کوچکی که در آسمان شنا میکنند به خوش اقبالی خود واقفند؟
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