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Where to?

The perpetual cruelty resulting from the forcibly legitimised genocide cast its shadow on our world. The law of jungle becomes prevalent. The one-way highway that has been heralded as a major breakthrough in achieving peace is nothing more than yet another dead-end. At this rate tranquillity becomes an unattainable wish, an empty promise that never meant to be fulfilled. Perhaps the universal ethical code of "do not wish on others what you do not want done unto you", should be observed and adhered to?

تسلط ظلم به زور مشروعیت یافته حکومت قانون جنگل را به ارمغان آورده و آرامش را در حد آرزویی دست نیافتنی و وعده‌ای پوچ که هرگز قرار نیست محقق شود تقلیل داده. شاید وقت آن رسیده تا به شعار "آنچه بر خود نمی‌پسندی بر دیگران مپسند" پایبند باشیم.

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